Marsh Harbour, Abacos (Sunsail)

Marsh Harbour, Abacos (Sunsail)

The opening hours of the base
All days: 07:30 - 19:00

The boat is taken over at 18:00 and the first night is taken on board at the port. If you arrive earlier, you can agree to make check-in and the obligatory shipowner meeting on the same day. Upon later arrival, check-in and shippers will be meeting the next morning around 9:00.

Late arrival
It is possible to arrive later if you have made an agreement with the base personnel.

The boat will be returned at 11.00 on the last day.

Sail restrictions
Please note that there are restrictions on what other islands you can visit in the Caribbean and strict rules for entry and exit clearance. Read more about sailing restrictions here

Marsh Harbor Airport: approx. 5km

There is a small kiosk at the marina: open all day.
There are some major supermarkets 10 minutes walk from the base.

Providing at Sunsail
If you want to be available in the boat when you arrive at the port, you can order it by Sunsail (Ref. No. You need to be listed in the order confirmation received by email).

Facilities at the base
Bath, toilet, laundry room, restaurant, pool, storage room, fuel, ice, water, etc.

Ruttförslag för segelsemester från Abacos

Avgång: Marsh Harbour